The application form for the two-year Diploma in Elementary Education is released officially by Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Madhya Pradesh on 13 to 26 May 2024 and then aspirants will be able to apply by visiting the official website.
MP DElEd Application Form 2024
Candidates who meet the certain eligibility criteria to get admission for two-year DElEd need to know that the notification is out on 13 May 2024 and window to submit an application form is going to be available for two weeks; to apply for admission, one has to provide required details, attach documents and make fee payment by the deadline.
Apply Link
Check Here
Rajya Shiksha Kendra, Madhya Pradesh has not yet confirmed any date for releasing the notification brochure for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education at various DIETs and College of Madhya Pradesh, but it is released on the respective webportal by the 13 to 26 May 2024.
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MP DElEd 2024-25 Important Dates
Important dates for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education admission for academic year 2024-25 is available below.
May 2024
Choice Filling
Merit List / Seat Allotment
College Reporting
Once the advertisement for two-year DElEd admission is released officially by the RSK, Madhya Pradesh, we will include the details inside the table above.
MP DElEd Eligibility Criteria 2024-25
Students who are seeking admission for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education at any college of DIET of Madhya Pradesh must meet the certain eligibility criteria in terms of educational qualification and age limit, which is available below.
Educational Qualification: A candidate must have passed the Intermediate exam with Science, Commerce or Arts stream with CBSE or MPBSE.
Age Limit: One’s age must be below 17 years as of December 31, 2024, and there is no cap for upper age limit.
Candidates are highly recommended to download the notification brochure for admission into two-year DElEd, to check and verify the eligibility criteria details.
MP DElEd Registration & Choice Filling Fee 2024
Students who are seeking admission for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education at any college or DIET of Madhya Pradesh, he or she needs to know that to apply, one has to pay ₹50 and ₹150 as registration and choice filling, respectively, using the one of the provided payment gateway on or before the fee submission deadline.
MP DElEd 2024-25 Required Documents
Documents which are required to get admission for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh at DIET or College are as follows.
High School Certificate
Intermediate Certificate
Transfer Certificate (TC)
Character Certificate
Caste Certificate (if applicable)
Income Certificate (if applicable)
Domicile Certificate
Birth Certificate
Passport-sized Photographs
Aadhar Card or any other government-issued ID
Migration Certificate (if applicable)
Disability Certificate (if applicable
MP DElEd 2024-25 Admission Process
The admission process for the two-year Diploma in Elementary Education in Madhya Pradesh for session 2024-25 involves the following steps:
Registration: Candidates need to register themselves on the official website by deadline. During registration, they provide personal details and pay the registration fee.
Choice Filling: After registration, candidates are usually required to fill out their preferred choices of colleges or DIETs where they wish to pursue the diploma program.
Merit List: Once the registration and choice filling period is over, the authorities compile a merit list based on the candidate’s academic qualifications.
College Reporting: After the merit list is published, candidates whose names appear on the list need to report to the allotted college or DIET with required documents for verification and complete any remaining formalities to secure their admission.
Candidates need to know that notification for two-year Diploma in Elementary Education for academic year 2024-25 is yet to be released officially by the RSK, Madhya Pradesh, shortly after its release, we will update the above.
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